Excel Lookup and Reference Functions

The Excel lookup and reference Functions are used to cross reference between different data. The Lookup and Reference Formulas in Excel can refer to a cell or array to match the value in another cell or array.

Complete List of Excel Lookup and Reference Functions (A to Z)

All Excel lookup and reference functions are mentioned below in alphabetical order:

ADDRESS FunctionCell address based on a given row and column number.
AREAS FunctionNumber of areas in a given reference.
CHOOSE FunctionA value or reference from a list of options based on the index number.
CHOOSECOLS FunctionSpecified columns from an array or range.
CHOOSEROWS FunctionSpecified rows from an array or range.
COLUMN FunctionColumn number of the selected cell reference.
COLUMNS FunctionNumber of columns in an array or reference.
DROP FunctionRemoves a specified number of rows or columns from the start or end of an array.
EXPAND FunctionExpands an array to a specified number of rows and columns.
FIELDVALUE FunctionAll matching fields from the linked data type specified in the value argument.
FILTER FunctionFilters a range of data based on one or more criteria that you specify.
FORMULATEXT FunctionFormula in text format from the cell reference.
GETPIVOTDATA FunctionSpecific data from a pivot table.
HLOOKUP FunctionSearches for a value in the top row of an array and return the value from a row you specify.
HSTACK FunctionCombining each of the array horizontally into one array.
HYPERLINK FunctionHyperlink from a given destination and link text.
IMAGE FunctionInsert a image in a cell from a source location along with alternative text.
INDEX FunctionValue in a range or array based on the row and column numbers.
INDIRECT FunctionReference specified by a text string.
LOOKUP FunctionLooks up a value in a single column or row to find a value from the same position in another column or row.
MATCH FunctionSearches a specified value in a range and returns the position of that value in the array or range.
OFFSET FunctionValue of a cell or range which is a specified number of rows and columns from a cell or range.
ROW FunctionRow number in a given range.
ROWS FunctionNumber of rows in a given range.
RTD FunctionReal time data from a program which supports COM automation.
SORT FunctionSorts the data of a range in ascending or descending order.
SORTBY FunctionSorts the data of a range based on the values in a corresponding range.
TAKE FunctionSpecified number of contiguous rows or columns from the start or end of a range.
TOCOL FunctionRange in a single column.
TOROW FunctionRange in a single row.
TRANSPOSE FunctionRotates the data in rows into columns and columns into rows.
UNIQUE FunctionRotates the data in rows into columns and columns into rows.
VLOOKUP FunctionSearch for a value in the first column of a range and return a corresponding value from a specified column in the same row.
VSTACK FunctionCombines arrays vertically and in sequence into a larger array.
WRAPCOLS FunctionWraps the provided row or column of values by columns after a specified number of values.
WRAPROWS FunctionWraps the provided row or column of values by rows after a specified number of values.
XLOOKUP FunctionSearch for a specified value from a table or range of cells.
XMATCH FunctionRelative position of a value in an array or range.