Excel Information Functions

The Excel information functions are used to return the information about the formatting, location, or content of cells, whether value is an error or not a text, sheet number, number of sheets in a reference and much more.

Complete List of Excel Information Functions (A to Z)

All information functions in Excel are mentioned below in alphabetical order:

CELL FunctionInformation about a cell’s location, formatting or contents.
ERROR.TYPE FunctionNumber that corresponds to a specific error type.
INFO FunctionInformation about the current operating environment.
ISBLANK FunctionTRUE if a given cell is blank (empty), else returns as FALSE.
ISERR FunctionTRUE if the given value is an error (except N/A), else returns as FALSE.
ISERROR FunctionTRUE if the value is any error (except #N/A), else returns as FALSE.
ISEVEN FunctionTRUE if the number is even, else returns as FALSE.
ISFORMULA FunctionTRUE if there is a reference to a cell that contains a formula, else returns as FALSE.
ISLOGICAL FunctionTRUE if the value is a logical value, else returns as FALSE.
ISNA FunctionTRUE if the value is #N/A error, else returns as FALSE.
ISNONTEXT FunctionTRUE if the value is not text, else returns as FALSE.
ISNUMBER FunctionTRUE if the value is a number, else returns as FALSE.
ISODD FunctionTRUE if the number is odd, else returns as FALSE.
ISOMITTED FunctionTRUE if the value in a LAMBDA is missing, else returns as FALSE.
ISREF FunctionTRUE if the value is a reference, else returns as FALSE.
ISTEXT FunctionTRUE if the value is text, else returns as FALSE.
N FunctionA value converted to a number.
NA FunctionThe error value #N/A.
SHEET FunctionThe sheet number.
SHEETS FunctionThe number of sheets in a reference.
TYPE FunctionA number indicating the data type of a specified value.