Excel Engineering Functions

The Excel engineering functions are used to perform various engineering related calculations such as Bessel, bitwise, hexadecimal, secant, octal and much more. Some of the engineering formulas are new and may not be available in old versions.

Complete List of Excel Engineering Functions (A to Z)

All Excel engineering functions are mentioned below in alphabetical order:

BESSELI FunctionModified Bessel formula In(x).
BESSELJ FunctionBessel formula Jn(x).
BESSELK FunctionModified Bessel function Kn(x).
BESSELY FunctionBessel function Yn(x).
BIN2DEC FunctionFrom binary number to decimal.
BIN2HEX FunctionFrom binary number to hexadecimal.
BIN2OCT FunctionFrom binary number to octal.
BITAND FunctionBitwise AND of two numbers.
BITLSHIFT FunctionRight shifted number by the given number of bits.
BITOR FunctionBitwise OR of two numbers.
BITRSHIFT FunctionLeft shifted number by the given number of bits.
BITXOR FunctionBitwise XOR of two numbers.
COMPLEX FunctionFrom real and imaginary coefficients to a complex number.
CONVERT FunctionFrom one measurement system to another.
DEC2BIN FunctionFrom decimal number to binary.
DEC2HEX FunctionFrom decimal number to hexadecimal.
DEC2OCT FunctionFrom decimal number to octal.
DELTA FunctionChecks whether two values are equal.
ERF FunctionError function, integrated between two limits.
ERF.PRECISE FunctionError function of a specified value.
ERFC FunctionComplementary error function, integrated between x and infinity.
ERFC.PRECISE FunctionComplementary error function, integrated between x and infinity.
GESTEP FunctionChecks whether a number is greater than a specified threshold value.
HEX2BIN FunctionFrom hexadecimal number to binary.
HEX2DEC FunctionFrom hexadecimal number to decimal.
HEX2OCT FunctionFrom hexadecimal number to octal.
IMABS FunctionAbsolute value of a complex number.
IMAGINARY FunctionImaginary coefficient of a complex number.
IMARGUMENT FunctionArgument theta, an angle expressed in radians, of a given complex number.
IMCONJUGATE FunctionComplex conjugate of a given complex number.
IMCOS FunctionCosine of a given complex number.
IMCOSH FunctionHyperbolic cosine of a given complex number.
IMCOT FunctionCotangent of a given complex number.
IMCOSC FunctionCosecant of a given complex number.
IMCOSCH FunctionHyperbolic cosecant of a given complex number.
IMDIV FunctionQuotient of two specified complex numbers.
IMEXP FunctionExponential of a given complex number.
IMLN FunctionNatural logarithm of a given complex number.
IMLOG10 FunctionBase-10 logarithm of given a complex number.
IMLOG2 FunctionBase-2 logarithm of a given complex number.
IMPOWER FunctionComplex number raised to a given power.
IMPRODUCT FunctionProduct of one or more complex numbers.
IMREAL FunctionReal coefficient of a given complex number.
IMSEC FunctionSecant of a given complex number.
IMSECH FunctionHyperbolic secant of a given complex number.
IMSIN FunctionSine of a given complex number.
IMSINH FunctionHyperbolic sine of a given complex number.
IMSQRT FunctionSquare root of a given complex number.
IMSUB FunctionDifference between two specified complex numbers.
IMSUM FunctionSum of the given complex numbers.
IMTAN FunctionTangent of a given complex number.
OCT2BIN FunctionFrom octal number to binary.
OCT2DEC FunctionFrom octal number to decimal.
OCT2HEX FunctionFrom octal number to hexadecimal.