Excel Compatibility Functions

The Excel compatibility functions are used to return the cumulative beta probability density, binominal distribution probability, right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution, confidence interval for a population mean and much more.

Complete List of Excel Compatibility Functions (A to Z)

All Excel compatibility functions are mentioned below in alphabetical order:

BETADIST FunctionCumulative beta distribution formula.
BETAINV FunctionInverse of the cumulative beta distribution formula for a specified beta distribution.
BINOMDIST FunctionBinomial distribution probability.
CEILING FunctionNumber that is rounded up, away from zero, and to the nearest multiple of a given number.
CHIDIST FunctionChi-squared distribution.
CHIINV FunctionInverse of the chi-squared distribution.
CHITEST FunctionChi-squared distribution and the appropriate degrees of freedom.
CONCATENATE FunctionCombines the text from multiple cell ranges.
CONFIDENCE FunctionConfidence interval for the mean of a population.
COVAR FunctionCovariance, the average of the products of deviations for two data sets.
CRITBINOM FunctionSmallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value.
EXPONDIST FunctionExponential distribution.
FDIST FunctionF probability distribution.
FINV FunctionInverse of the F probability distribution.
FLOOR FunctionRound a number down, to the nearest multiple of a specified significance..
FORECAST FunctionPredict the future value by using the existing values.
FTEST FunctionThe result of an F-test for the two given arrays. 
GAMMADIST FunctionGamma cumulative distribution.
GAMMAINV FunctionInverse of the gamma cumulative distribution.
HYPGEOMDIST FunctionHypergeometric distribution.
LOGINV FunctionInverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution.
LOGNORMDIST FunctionLognormal cumulative distribution.
MODE FunctionFind the most seen value in a data set.
NEGBINOMDIST FunctionNegative binomial distribution.
NORMDIST FunctionNormal cumulative distribution.
NORMINV FunctionInverse of the normal cumulative distribution.
NORMSDIST FunctionStandard normal cumulative distribution.
NORMSINV FunctionInverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution.
PERCENTILE FunctionThe k-th percentile of values in a range.
PERCENTRANK FunctionThe percentage rank of a value in a data set.
POISSON FunctionPoisson distribution.
QUARTILE FunctionThe quartile of a data set.
RANK FunctionThe rank of a number in a list of numbers.
STDEV FunctionThe standard deviation based on a sample.
STDEVP FunctionThe standard deviation based on the entire population.
TDIST FunctionStudent’s t-distribution.
TINV FunctionInverse of the student’s t-distribution
TTEST FunctionProbability associated with a student’s t-test.
VAR FunctionThe variance based on a sample.
VARP FunctionThe variance based on the entire population.
WEIBULL FunctionWeibull distribution.
ZTEST FunctionThe probability value (P-value) of a Z-test.